Casual Destruction
Environmental & Social Conscience
There are two "sets" of photos in the essay. BEFORE AND AFTER the stripping of Monsanto forest.
In the first two weeks of September 2024, workers for the Parque de Monsanto Florestal, in Lisbon, recklessly and thoughtlessly destroyed an entire section of healthy and much needed understory/undergrowth along a forest trail.
What is disturbing about this event that this was probably done in as a naive and uneducated attempt to "prevent" wildfire destruction. But destroying this healthy forest growth put the area under greater risk of fire. Never mind the ruination of the habitat of many birds, insects, and mammals.
Monsanto forest is only 90 years old and its understory/undergrowth is vital to the health not only of its wildlife, floral and fauna, but also the serves as protection to the soil.
I contacted the Câmera of Lisboa, and the director's office of Monsanto with these photos, but received no response.
The nonplused reaction to the manmade devastation is sad proof how far we have strayed in understanding how to take care of our greenspaces, natural resources, and how to be conscientious caretakers of earth.
It is my hope and my desire to keep the attention on our need to be focused of Nature conservation & preservation.